September has always been synonymous with students returning to the classroom. While that may not be reason enough to review the HIPAA Privacy Rule, a more compelling reason to dust off the HIPAA education materials might be the government's increase in enforcement efforts.
When evaluating a family's ability, willingness, and availability to provide needed care to patients, discharge planners may become aware of scenarios that are not reasonable or safe for the patient.
HHS has released the long-awaited notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on the changes to the HIPAA accounting of disclosures. The rule, formally titled "HIPAA Privacy Rule Accounting of Disclosures under the HITECH Act," was printed in the May 31 Federal Register.
Editor's note: Each month in 2011, we're celebrating MRB's 25th year with special content, including extra reports and tools, discounts, and contests. Read on to find out how you can win a free 2012 ICD-9-CM Coding Manual.