Hiring remote CDI specialists can help ease staffing shortages and improve efficiency. But starting or expanding a remote CDI program takes planning and preparation to be successful.
The specificity of ICD-10 ushered in a stronger focus on clinical coding audits. From internal reviews to external coding audits, healthcare organizations nationwide are revisiting tried-and-true audit practices with ICD-10 coding quality in mind.
Resolving claims returned with National Correct Coding Initiative edits or Medically Unlikely Edits can be a time-consuming process. Organizations need processes to promote best practices and keep appeals on track, as well as coding and billing policies that address common front-end problems that lead to these edits.
The new ICD-10-CM codes for FY 2018, effective October 1, represent significant changes in our documentation and coding practices. In follow-up to last month’s column, let’s discuss additional new codes and their potential impact upon your diagnostic decision-making and documentation.
Working remotely can seem like an attractive option to CDI specialists but it comes with its own challenges. A few simple steps can help CDI specialists thrive in a remote environment.