News & Analysis

May 1, 2010
Case Management Monthly

The following are the highlights from the 2010 Case Management Monthly salary survey. We received more than 300 responses from case managers (64%) and case management directors (36%) from all over the country. Social workers were not included.

May 1, 2010
Case Management Monthly

No matter whom the CDI department reports to, collaboration between case managers and CDI specialists will improve patient care.

May 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

Upcoming EHR meaningful use subsidies may give many hospitals the additional incentive necessary to push toward a largely paperless existence. Some facilities may be adopting their first electronic systems at this time. Others currently operating in a hybrid environment are likely looking to increase their EHR technologies to meet soon-to-be-finalized meaningful use measures.

April 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

What is work flow? One of the most common questions I am asked when doing EHR implementation consulting is, "Can you define what work flow is?" I think part of the reason people ask me that question is because of the emphasis I put on the importance of work flow as part of any basic automation initiative. Good work flow support can make the difference between a successful project and one that fails, because it can make or break staffing-level projections due to being designed well (efficient work flow) or poorly (thus the "worry" flow).

April 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

Divisions between HIM and clinical documentation improvement (CDI) staff members are common. But in actuality, everyone needs to work together for the success of the whole. "It's not an us vs. them concept, it's a we concept,"

April 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

Recovery audit contractor (RAC) activity is picking up, but many healthcare providers are still waiting to see whether their preparations have paid off, according to a January survey of more than 400 healthcare providers conducted by MRB. Eighteen percent of survey respondents had received medical record requests (i.e., additional documentation requests) as of the time of the survey. Only 8% of providers received RAC denials.
