Earlier last decade, when patients came into the ED at Christiana Care Health System in Newark, DE, they were difficult to track. In 2004, Christiana served about 90,000 patients per year. It was a busy place. Patients were bustled from their rooms to testing locations and back again.
It's January. Time to ring in the new year and make some resolutions for 2012.Case managers have a busy year ahead. They'll be dealing with everything from their typical day-to-day business to regulatory changes that could have a broader impact on their jobs.
One of the three foundational security requirements is availability-the ability to access data when you really need it. Data accessibility is considered sound security practice and is a requirement per the HIPAA Security Rule (45 CFR 164.306[a][1]). If a data storage device fails, you can lose access to your patients' or health plan members' PHI. This could adversely affect patient care and service to health plan members.