News & Analysis

February 1, 2013
Strategies for Healthcare Compliance

Law enforcement officials in Texas, Florida, and New York recently announced plea agreements and fines involving the billing of an unapproved prescription drug and ­Medicare fraud.

January 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

There's a popular saying that states, "Too much of a good thing can be bad for you." I believe that's never been truer than now when it comes to EMR documentation.

January 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

It has been quite a year in the privacy world, hasn't it? The OCR website has reported 500 breaches of unsecured PHI affecting 500 or more individuals, totaling more than 12 million patients. There has been an increase in HIPAA-related criminal sentences involving jail time. And private lives are no longer private.

January 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

Here is a complete index of all the Medical Records Briefing articles from 2012.

January 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

How quickly time flies! As 2012 has now come to an end, it seems to be a good time to reflect on some of the challenging standards hospitals faced this year.

January 1, 2013
Case Management Monthly

Successful programs to reduce preventable hospital readmissions range from the transitional care model ­created by Mary Naylor, PhD, FAAN, RN, a nurse researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, to Project RED, created by the Commonwealth of ­Massachusetts. Kathleen Heery, MS, RN, CCM, and Cheryl ­Pacella, DNP(c), HHCNS-BC, CPHQ, the ­homecare consultant and quality advisor at CAP Consulting, LLC, discussed the secrets to their success during "Reducing Readmissions by ­Improving ­Transitions in Care," an HCPro webcast.
