News & Analysis

January 6, 2015
Medicare Insider

This week’s note is about changes in the RAC program. Click the link above for more information and an in-depth analysis.

January 1, 2015
HIM Briefings

MRB asked HIM and release of information (ROI) professionals about their ROI practices for its first quarterly benchmarking survey of 2015. (The survey was completed in October 2014.) Half of survey respondents are HIM directors or managers (52%). Other respondents identified themselves as non-managerial HIM staff members (18%) or ROI directors or managers (4%). The majority of respondents (65%) work in hospitals.

January 1, 2015
HIM Briefings

RC.01.01.01, Content of the Medical Record, did not top the list of the survey findings for hospitals in the first half of 2014, according to the September 2014 issue of Joint Commission Perspectives. Nor was it on the list for critical access hospitals at all! However, 49% of hospitals surveyed received a requirement for improvement for this standard, primarily in the EPs related to timing and dating entries. This indicates hospitals are still using a lot of paper records. That said, the downward swing is encouraging as more and more hospitals fully implement the EMR.

January 1, 2015
Briefings on HIPAA

As the new year kicks off, many opt to make resolutions for the months ahead. BOH asked some privacy and security professionals to share their best tips for a productive 2015. What advice would they offer others in the industry to ensure the year ahead is a success?

January 1, 2015
Briefings on HIPAA

At this point, there are no federally recognized HIPAA certification standards for covered entities (CE) and business associates (BA). However, that doesn't mean there are no good assessment tools out there to gauge information security and regulatory compliance. The Health Information Trust Alliance (HITRUST) published its first common security framework (CSF) in March 2009 with the goal of focusing on information security as a core pillar of the broad adoption of health information systems and exchanges.

January 1, 2015
Case Management Monthly

Case managers rejoice. CMS recently sounded what is being called the death knell of the 2-midnight rule certification in a final rule published in the November 10, 2014, Federal Register.

