News & Analysis

May 1, 2015
Case Management Monthly

In November 2014, CMS put its certification requirement under the 2-midnight rule to bed, finally conceding that the rule was creating more problems than it solved. While many frustrated case managers celebrated this development, they still aren't completely off the hook. CMS replaced the global certification requirement with two more-specific certification requirements that went into place on January 1, and case managers need to be aware of them.

May 1, 2015
Case Management Monthly

EDs have a lot to handle. One in every three Americans will visit an ED each year, and among those are a number of populations that bring special challenges.

May 1, 2015
HIM Briefings

Conducting pre-billing audits can be challenging, but when done correctly, it can save organizations from spending time recoding and rebilling claims that payers deny. These audits can be conducted on the front end, in both inpatient and outpatient settings, once records have been coded.

May 1, 2015
HIM Briefings

Q: You are reviewing a computer-generated insurance claim before it is sent to the insurance carrier, and you happen to notice the patient's name on the claim?it's an old friend of yours. You quickly read the code for the diagnosis. Is this a breach of confidentiality?

May 1, 2015
HIM Briefings

Since the implementation of the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (HVBP) Program in 2013, CMS has adjusted the MS-DRG payment for each traditional Medicare discharge. The type and amount of the adjustment, which could be a financial penalty and/or an incentive payment, is determined by the hospital's performance for defined quality measures, such as risk-adjusted mortality. Since that time, the number of pay for performance (P4P) programs and quality measures has expanded. By 2017, P4P payment adjustments will impact up to 6% of traditional Medicare revenue.

May 1, 2015
Briefings on HIPAA

Mergers and acquisitions in the healthcare industry are often decided upon and negotiated by C-suite staff with involvement from security and IT professionals. However, significant security implications must be considered by both parties prior to, during, and after a merger or acquisition. Security officers are often best suited to dig deep into the information security standards of a facility to identify risks and develop a plan for streamlining security programs between the acquirer and the organization being acquired.
