This week’s updates include calendar year (CY) 2016 annual clinical laboratory fee schedule and laboratory services subject to reasonable charge payment update; Settlement effectuation instructions for HHS Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA) Settlement Conference Facilitation (SCF) Pilot; and more!
Small tweaks to the 2-midnight rule in the 2016 OPPS final rule should help providers, but a lengthy court battle related to the rule could end up making a bad situation worse.
This week’s note from the instructor is written by Debbie Mackaman, RHIA, CPCO, CCDS, regulatory specialist for HCPro and is about changes in using the modifier –CT.
This week’s updates include revisions to ICD-10 conversion/coding infrastructure revisions to NCDs; a modification of OIG Advisory Opinion 07-11; and more! This news article is free for all Medicare Insider subscribers. Click here to read all of this week’s updates.
HealthDataInsights (HDI) posted one new issue in one category to its CMS list for providers in Region D. (See link for individual state applicability.)