This week’s Medicare updates include CMS' response to Hurricane Harvey; the retirement of tobacco cessation counseling coverage; a new OIG Advisory Opinion; and more!
Cybersecurity is a full-time, dedicated job, but the healthcare industry is facing a cybersecurity staffing shortage. Attracting and retaining qualified professionals can be a challenge but it's not impossible.
Providers in some states may soon discover a big hurdle to clear when seeking to report a set of apheresis services after one MAC tightened up physician supervision requirements.
The new ICD-10-CM codes for FY 2018, effective October 1, represent significant changes in our documentation and coding practices. Let’s discuss some of these new codes and their potential impact upon your diagnostic decision-making and documentation.
In the 2018 OPPS proposed rule, CMS proposed a change to the current clinical laboratory date-of-service policies for molecular pathology tests and for Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory Tests.