News & Analysis

November 3, 2017
Case Management Monthly

A new effort is underway to allow observation stays to count toward the three-day stay required by CMS to qualify for reimbursement for a postacute skilled nursing facility stay.

November 2, 2017
Medicare Insider

This week's note reviews pre-service coverage analysis processes in light of the recent CMS decision to delegate the target, probe, and educate medical review strategy to the Medicare Administrative Contractors. 

November 1, 2017
News & Insights

Q: What's the distinction between the case manager and non-lincensed case manager extender?

November 1, 2017
Medicare Insider

This week’s Medicare updates include the quarterly listing of program issuances, a fact sheet on the federal health exchange’s 2018 open enrollment period, revised instructions for certificate of medical necessity and durable medical equipment information forms, and more! 

November 1, 2017
Briefings on APCs

Patient care continues to move from the inpatient setting to outpatient. With this change, the challenge of securing comprehensive documentation that articulates the services rendered and the patient care provided now needs to extend across the care continuum. 

November 1, 2017
Briefings on APCs

Section 216(a) of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (PAMA) added a requirement that will dramatically revise the Medicare Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS) effective January 1, 2018.
