News & Analysis

January 29, 2018
Briefings on HIPAA

Tips from this month's issue.

January 28, 2018
Briefings on HIPAA

Take a look back at Briefings on HIPAA articles and topics you may have missed in 2017.

January 26, 2018

Electronic health records may not be able to accurately determine case mix, according to a study published January 18 in the American Journal of Managed Care.

January 26, 2018
Case Management Monthly

Mr. Coin, a chronically ill patient, is being discharged to home. Although the discharge is complex, the transition to home is uneventful—until the case manager, Robin, receives a call from Mr. Coin's son, who tells Robin that her patient has been sent home with his heparin lock still in place.

January 26, 2018
Case Management Monthly

Catch up on what you might have missed in 2017.

January 26, 2018
News & Insights

Q: Can you explain when to code pleural effusion as a secondary diagnosis when it is present with congestive heart failure?
