Q: Are we allowed to use case studies involving real incidents that occurred at our facility as part of our HIPAA training? We’ve always been told that real-life examples will resonate with staff, but wouldn’t this be a HIPAA violation?
The expansion of telehealth services and the flexibilities introduced through the Hospitals Without Walls waivers are a critical part of hospitals’ COVID-19 response, but the rules and how they interact with each other are often complex. Take a closer look at CMS’ guidelines and how they should be implemented.
This week’s Medicare updates include updated billing requirement information for home infusion therapy services, an implementation delay with additional comment period for the Medicare Coverage of Innovative Technology final rule, updates to rural health clinic payment limits, and more!
Q: Healthcare in rural communities remains an issue. Hospitals in rural areas continue to close at an alarming rate, creating problems for many communities across the U.S. How can these communities respond, and what role can case managers play in this response?
The American Hospital Association (AHA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) urged Congress to act quickly to prevent an up to 4% reduction in Medicare spending in 2022.